SPCS Annual Report
The Annual Report offers our community an overview of district finances, student enrollment, and assessment results. It also provides an opportunity to highlight the vision and achievements of our students, teachers, and district as a whole. The report reflects data from the previous school year.
The success of our students, teachers, and the district is deeply rooted in the support we receive from our patrons, parents, and the community—partners who value and prioritize education. Together, we foster an environment where all students can thrive, preparing them to pursue their passions and reach their fullest potential.
In 2023 and 2024, we proudly earned an “Excellent” district classification for the first time. Each of our buildings received a rating of “Excellent” or “Great.” This achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of our students, teachers, staff, and the entire community—an accomplishment that words can hardly capture.
Every winter, we will share the data from the previous school year in the Annual Report. To obtain a copy of a previous year’s Annual report, please contact SPCScomm@spcsne.org.