

maintaining a culture of excellence

The Board of Education is committed to providing quality education, achievable through the smaller district model. Their strategic planning has led to impressive student achievement scores on state and national assessments, ensuring that students, whether college or career-oriented, have ample opportunities for success. The Springfield Platteview Community Schools Board of Education is responsible for overseeing the management of district schools and setting policies. They have jurisdiction over the curriculum, school taxes, budget, hiring of the superintendent and other professional staff, and facilities. The Board is dedicated to fostering a vibrant educational environment where teachers can effectively teach and students thrive. They advocate for a rigorous curriculum, high-quality teachers, top-notch facilities, and strong parental engagement.

In icon that has a graduation cap and a piece of paper on it that signifies graduation rates


a circle with a piece taken out of it, representing dollar amounts and percentages out of a pie chart


A red icon of a school with a clock and a flag on top of the school


an icon that represents safety with three people in the back, and a shield in the front with a checkmark on it


three people with a magnifying glass in front of them, indicating that they are searching for the right people


and icon that signifies community growth


lee smith


Brian Osborn


Kyle fisher

Vice President

Michael Patera


BrendA Guenther


Brett Kreifels


Board of education

The governing board includes six elected members who serve, without compensation, for a term of four years. Pictured Left to Right: Brett Kreifels, member; Kyle Fisher, Vice President; Lee Smith, President; Brian Osborn, Treasurer; Brenda Guenther, Secretary; Mike Patera, Member.

board of education group picture; 5 males and one female
Three arrows pointing to the right used as background decoration on the page
3001 Budget and Property Tax Request.pdf
3002 Deposits.pdf
3004 General Purchasing and Procurement.pdf
3005 School Activities Fund.pdf
3007 Review of Bills.pdf
3008 Gifts Grants and Bequests.pdf
3009 Audit.pdf
3010 Insurance.pdf
3012 School Meal Program and Meal Charges.pdf
3013 Emergency Closings.pdf
3014 Use of School Property.pdf
3015 Time Away From School Activities.pdf
3016 Smoking.pdf
3017 Press Releases.pdf
3018 Denial of Access to School Premises.pdf
3019 Sale or Disposal of School Property.pdf
3020 Copyright Compliance.pdf
3021 Operation of School Business Office.pdf
3022 Volunteers.pdf
3023 Electronic Records Management.pdf
3024 Booster Clubs and Parent Teacher Organizations.pdf
3025 Returned and Outstanding Checks.pdf
3026 Handbooks.pdf
3028 Sex Offenders.pdf
3030 Automatic External Defibrillator Program.pdf
3031 Students Electing to Attend School in Adjoining State.pdf
3032 Fees for School District Records.pdf
3035 Chain of Command.pdf
3036 Purchasing (Credit) Card Program.pdf
3037 Petty Cash Policy.pdf
3040 School Safety and Security.pdf
3041 Crisis Team Duties.pdf
3042 Construction Management at Risk Contracts.pdf
3043 Design Build Contracts.pdf
3044 Incidental or De Minimis Use of Public Resources.pdf
3045 Use of Sniffer Dogs.pdf
3046 Animals at School.pdf
3047 Data Breach Response.pdf
3048 Communicable Disease.pdf
3049 Drones and Unmanned Aircraft.pdf
3050 Technology in the Classroom.pdf
3051 Opioid Overdose Prevention and Response.pdf
3052 Leasing Personal Property.pdf
3053 Nondiscrimination.pdf
3054 Law Enforcement Unit.pdf
3055 School Resource Officers.pdf
3056 Guest Speakers.pdf
3057 Title IX.pdf
3058 Naming School District Facilities and Property.pdf
3059 Audio and Video Recording.pdf
3060 Firearms and Weapons Non Students.pdf
4002 Drug Free Workplace.pdf
4003 Drug Policy Regarding Drivers.pdf
4006 Insurance.pdf
4007 Personnel Records.pdf
4008 Outside Employment.pdf
4009 Restrictions on Employees Receiving Gratuties.pdf
4010 Inclement Weather.pdf
4011.1 Nebraska Family Military Leave Act.pdf
4012 Staff Internet and Computer Use.pdf
4015 Prohibition Against Employment of Board Members.pdf
4016 Jury Duty Service as Witness in Court.pdf
4018 Corporal Punishment.pdf
4019 Workplace Injury Prevention and Safety Committee.pdf
4020 Ownership of Copyrighted Works.pdf
4022 Certification and Endorsements.pdf
4023 Professional Ethics.pdf
4024 Teachers Rights Responsibilities and Duties.pdf
4025 Superintendent.pdf
4027 Part Time Certified Employees.pdf
4028 Substitute Teachers.pdf
4029 Salary Schedule for Certificated Employees.pdf
4030 Evaluation of Certificated Employees.pdf
4031 Evaluation of Probationary Certified Employees.pdf
4032 Professional Growth.pdf
4034 Staff Handbook.pdf
4037 Reduction In Force.pdf
4038 Classified Staff Defined.pdf
4039 Employment of Classified Staff.pdf
4041 Staff Dress and Appearance.pdf
4042 Employee Social Security Numbers.pdf
4044 Political Activity by Staff Members.pdf
4045 Milk Expression.pdf
4046 Internet Searches Regarding Potential Employees.pdf
4048 Assessment Administration and Security.pdf
4050 Overtime and Compensatory Time.pdf
4051 Use of Social Media by Staff and District.pdf
4053 Conflict of Interest.pdf
4054 Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect.pdf
4056 Resignation of Certificated Staff.pdf
4057 Superintendent Evaluation.pdf
4058 Confidentiality in Counseling and Guidance.pdf
4059 Behavioral and Mental Health Training.pdf
4060 School Vehicle Use.pdf
4062 Locker Room Supervision.pdf
4064 Transporting Students in Employee Vehicles.pdf
4901 Early Retirement Incentive Policy.pdf
5001 Compulsory Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism.pdf
5002 Admission of Students.pdf
5003 Admission of Part Time Students.pdf
5004 Option Enrollment.pdf
5005 Transportation.pdf
5006 Foreign Exchange Students.pdf
5007 Enrollment of Expelled Students.pdf
5008 Pregnant or Parenting Students.pdf
5009 Adult Education.pdf
5010 Immunizations.pdf
5011 Physical Examination and Visual Evaluation of Students.pdf
5012 Testing and Assessment Program.pdf
5014 Homeless Students.pdf
5015 Protection of Pupil Rights.pdf
5016 Student Records.pdf
5017 Routine Directory Information.pdf
5018 Parent and Guardian Involvement In Education Practices.pdf
5019 Communicating with Parents.pdf
5020 Rights of Custodial and Non Custodial Parents.pdf
5023 Student Illness.pdf
5024 Medication of Students.pdf
5025 Student Insurance.pdf
5028 Initiations and Hazing.pdf
5030 Dating Violence.pdf
5031 Student Appearance.pdf
5032 Closed Campus.pdf
5033 Student Driving and Parking.pdf
5034 Handbooks.pdf
5035 Student Discipline.pdf
5036 Lockers.pdf
5037 Student Internet and Computer Access.pdf
5039 Fundraising Activities.pdf
5040 Work Permits.pdf
5041 Student Government.pdf
5042 Bulletin Boards.pdf
5043 School Sponsored Publications.pdf
5044 Safe Pupil Transportation.pdf
5045 Student Fees.pdf
5046 Secret Organizations.pdf
5050 Reporting Related to Exempt (Home) Schools.pdf
5052 School Wellness.pdf
5053 Self Management of Diabetes or Asthma or Anaphylaxis.pdf
5054 Student Bullying.pdf
5055 Enrollment in Kindergarten.pdf
5056 Free Expression by Students.pdf
5057 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy.pdf
5059 Emergency Medical Treatment.pdf
5062 Lice and Nits.pdf
5064 Supplement Not Supplant.pdf
5065 Bed Bugs.pdf
5066 Early Graduation.pdf
5067 Student Assistance Team Process.pdf