

The School Counseling Department is committed to advancing students’ learning and development in the academic, personal/social, and career domains, and assisting in educating the whole child. The counseling program has the following goals:

  • Support the emotional well-being of all students.
  • Guide students toward developing future goals and objectives while considering those ideas, topics, and interests about which they are passionate, keeping in mind that these goals may change.
  • To promote a foundation for students to understand their interests, abilities, strengths, and challenges.
  • Advise students on academic and extracurricular activities that are most suited to their strengths and interests and will help students achieve their future college and career goals.
  • Assist students with the transition to new grade levels and buildings and help resolve academic, social, and personal concerns.
  • Help students develop interpersonal skills and become responsible, contributing citizens and adults.
  • Communicate with parents and teachers with information related to students’ educational progress.


The mission of Springfield Platteview Community Schools Counseling Department is to assist students in developing the necessary mindsets and behaviors so that all students will acquire college and career-ready skills and succeed now and into their futures.

Three arrows pointing to the right used as background decoration on the page


The links provided serve as external resources available to our school community. SPCS does not endorse any specific website. School counselors are also available to meet with students with academic and/or social/emotional concerns. Click on the logo below to link directly to the school your child attends.