
Springfield Platteview, community schools, connecting passion with potential logo in red and blue

2024-2025 SPCS District Calendar

See below to calendar layout to download or access individual school calendars, activity and athletics calendars, or the district calendar.

red icon with a down arrow 25-26 District Calendar Now Available for Download

Early PM Dismissal

Westmont Elementary, 1:10 pm; Springfield Elementary, 1:20 pm; PHS & Platteview Central, 1:25 pm. For Parent Teacher Conferences.

Comp Day – No School

Specific times may vary depending on the building. Be sure to check your school calendar.

President’s Day No School

Specific times may vary depending on the building. Be sure to check your school calendar.

End of 3rd Quarter

Specific times may vary depending on the building. Be sure to check your school calendar.

Spring Break-No School

Specific times may vary depending on the building. Be sure to check your school calendar.

No School

Specific times may vary depending on the building. Be sure to check your school calendar.

No School

Specific times may vary depending on the building. Be sure to check your school calendar.