Early Childhood programs
At Springfield Platteview Community Schools (SPCS), we believe that you are your child’s first and most important teacher. Our mission is to build on the foundation you’ve established with your child, partnering with you to support their growth and development. We offer specialized early childhood programs that help children from birth to age 5 thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Early Intervention (Birth to age 3)
Home and Community Based Services
SPCS offers Early Intervention services for children from birth to age 3 who are experiencing developmental delays or disabilities and meet eligibility criteria per Nebraska Rule 52. Early intervention is crucial for addressing developmental concerns at a young age, ensuring children have the best chance to reach their full potential.
Complete this referral form or contact 402-592-1300, for an Early Intervention evaluation.
Preschool Age (Ages 3-5)
Home and Community Based Services
Home and Community Based Services are available to children ages 3 to 5 who meet eligibility criteria for developmental delays or disabilities and are eligible for special education services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), per Nebraska Rule 51. Services are provided in the child’s home or community based setting (child care, community preschool, etc.).
Call 402-592-1300 for more information.
SPCS Preschool Program (Ages 3-5)
SPCS Preschool Program
The Preschool Program serves children who are three or four years of age (by July 31) and reside within our district boundaries. Children may be considered for the program in two ways: Special Education Student and SPCS Preschool Peer. See below for more information about the preschool program.
Call 402-592-1300 for more information.
25-26 Preschool Program Information
We offer a preschool program for children three to five years old who qualify for early intervention. Preschool is available to students who reside within the Springfield Platteview Community School District and will be three or four years old by July 31, 2025. There are two ways to be considered for the program
1. Special Education Student
Children who have qualified for Special Education Services through an evaluation process and have a verified educational disability with a current IEP.
2. SPCS Preschool Peer
Children will go through a developmental screening as part of the application process. Limited spots are available. Monthly tuition is required.
July 31
Preschool is available to students who reside within the Springfield Platteview Community School District and will be three or four years old by July 31.
January 10
Online applications for Preschool open at 9:00 a.m. Or contact 402-592-1300 to request information.
February 7
Online applications are due by 4:00 p.m. Applications and proof of residency must be submitted. Space is limited.
February 21
Online applications are due by 4:00 p.m. Applications and proof of residency must be submitted. Space is limited.
All new preschool applicants must complete a developmental screening at our administration building, 756 Main Street, on February 21, 2025 to be considered.
All New Preschool Applications Must Complete a Developmental Screening
All new preschool applicants must complete a developmental screening at our administration building, 756 Main Street, on February 21, 2025 to be considered.
Call 402-592-1300 for information about preschool and/or 3-5 evaluation.
Teachers & locations

Mrs. Claire Johnson
940 Main Street
Springfield, NE 68059

Mrs. Megan Moore
13210 Glenn Street
Omaha, NE 68138

Mrs. Jacci Lucas
Administration Building
765 Main Street
Springfield, NE 68059

Mrs. Leslie Wilson
Springfield Elementary & Westmont Elementary

- AM Session: 8:00am-11:00am
- PM Session: 12:15pm-3:15pm
The first stop for Preschool Enrollment questions go to:
Emily Shapland