
Our Mission & Strategic Plan​

At Springfield Platteview Community Schools, we are committed to ensuring that every student acquires the college- and career-ready skills and behaviors needed to succeed both now and in the future.

We strive for a culture of excellence, passion, and collaboration, fostering positive partnerships and relationships that lead to student success.

Growth and Infrastructure

Plan for growth by addressing facilities, staffing, systems, and processes to meet the evolving needs of our community.

Safety and Security

Implement and continuously improve a comprehensive safety plan to ensure the security and well-being of all stakeholders.

Support and Empowerment

Execute and refine the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model to provide academic, career, and behavioral instruction and interventions, preparing and empowering students for their future.

  • Educator Effectiveness
  • Positive Partnerships and Relationships
  • Educational Opportunities and Access
  • Leadership Development
  • Student Achievement and Growth
  • Postsecondary, Career, and Civic Readiness
  • Community Engagement
  • Our strategic plan, updated as of June 2024, reflects our unwavering dedication to fostering a safe, inclusive, and thriving learning environment where every student can achieve their full potential.